Hiroshige II's series 'Thirty-six Selected Flowers' (1866)


This page attempts to catalog all known prints in Hiroshige II's series 'Sanjūrokkasen (三十六 花撰 - Thirty-six Selected Flowers)'.

The series name includes typical Japanese word-play; the word for flower (kasen), can, when written with different kanji, have other meanings, such as 'poet' (歌仙), and the title Sanjūrokkasen appears on many other print series, only with different kanji (e.g. 三十六歌仙 for '36 Poets').

The title of each individual print is in the square cartouche to the left of the smaller series title cartouche.

The series dates from the end of Hiroshige II's career, when he was about forty years old. By this point, he had already taken up the name Risshō, and the prints in this series are signed 'Risshō'.

Technical details

The Museum of Fine Arts in Boston has two almost-complete sets of this series. One (from the Gardner Brewer Collection, 1901; Accession Number: 01.7335.27, etc) seems to be bound in a set; the other (from the William Sturgis Bigelow Collection, 1911; Accession Number 11.37279, etc) seems to be in individual sheets, but seems to have previously been bound in a set (since the prints are all cropped on their sides).

The Prints

To see a larger, roughly full-screen, image of any print, please click on the thumbnail; these images are sized to produce fine detail, and are only moderately compressed.

Images Number Date Title (Kanji) Title (Characters) Title (Romaji) Title (English) Description
Title Page 1866/?
#1 1866/7 梅屋敷臥龍梅 Tōkyō ume yashiki garyūbai The Sleeping Dragon Plum Tree in the Plum Garden in Tokyo
#2 1866/7 大森山本紅梅 Tōkyō Ōmori Yamamoto kōbai Red Plum at Ōmori Yamamoto in Tokyo
#3 1866/7 上野下寺つばき Tōto Ueno Shimotera tsubaki Camellia at Ueno Shimotera in the Eastern Capital
#4 1866/7 越ヶ谷桃 Tōto Koshigaya momo Peach Blossoms at Koshigaya in the Eastern Capital
#5 1866/7 小金井さくら Tōto Koganei sakura Cherry Blossoms at Koganei in the Eastern Capital
#6 1866/7 山吹の里山ふき Tōkyō Yamabuki no sato yamabuki Kerria Roses at Yamabuki Village in Tokyo
#7 1866/7 谷中天王子あさぎ桜 Tōkyō Yanaka Tennō-ji asagizakura White Cherry Blossoms at Yanaka Tennō-ji Temple in Tokyo
#8 1866/7 六々梨子 Tōto Rokuroku nashi Pear Blossoms at Rokuroku in the Eastern Capital
#9 1866/7 隅田川八重桜 Tōto Sumida-gawa yaezakura Double Cherry Blossoms at the Sumida River in the Eastern Capital
#10 1866/7 戸田原さくら草 Tōkyō Todahara sakuragusa Primroses at Todahara in Tokyo
#11 1866/7 小松川菜の花 Tōkyō Komatsu-gawa na no hana Canola Flowers at the Komatsu River in Tokyo
#12 1866/7 谷中撫子 Tōto Yanaka nadeshiko Wild Carnations at Yanaka in the Eastern Capital
#13 1866/7 亀井戸天神藤 Tōto Kameido Tenjin fuji Wisteria at Kameido Tenjin Shrine in the Eastern Capital
#14 1866/7 大久保つつち Tōkyō Ōkubo tsutsuji Azaleas at Ōkubo in Tokyo
#15 1866/7 国寺きりしま Tōkyō Gōkoku-ji kirishima Kirishima Azaleas at Gokoku-ji Temple in Tokyo
#16 1866/7 北沢牡丹 Tōkyō Kitazawa botan Peonies at Kitazawa in Tokyo
#17 1866/7 千住ゆり Tōto Senju yuri Lilies at Senju in the Eastern Capital
#18 1866/7 百花園芍薬 Tōkyō Hyakkaen shakuyaku Peonies at Hundred Flower Garden in Tokyo
#19 1866/7 木下川杜若 Tōto Kinoshita-gawa kakitsubata Rabbitear Irises at the Kinoshita River in the Eastern Capital
#20 1866/7 堀切花菖蒲 Tōkyō Horikiri hana shōbu Irises at Horikiri in Tokyo
#21 1866/7 根津ばら Tōkyō Nezu bara Wild Roses at Nezu in Tokyo
#22 1866/7 Tokyo 綾瀬川合歓 Tōkyō Ayase-gawa nemu Mimosa at the Ayase River in Tokyo
#23 1866/7 あふひ坂葵 Tōto Aoizaka aoi Hollyhock at Aoizaka in the Eastern Capital
#24 1866/7 浅草花やしき紫陽花 Tōto Asakusa hana yashiki ajisai Hydrangea at the Flower Garden at Asakusa in the Eastern Capital
#25 1866/7 不忍池蓮花 Tōkyō Shinobazu ike renge Lotuses at Shinobazu Pond in Tokyo
#26 1866/7 巣鴨海棠 Tōto Sugamo kaidō Aronia at Sugamo in the Eastern Capital
#27 1866/7 隅田河花屋敷芙蓉花 Tōto Sumida-gawa hana yashiki fuyō-bana Hibiscus in the Flower Garden [at Mukōjima] on the Sumida River in the Eastern Capital
#28 1866/7 入谷朝顔 Tōto Iriya asagao Morning Glories at Iriya in the Eastern Capital
#29 1866/7 大宮八幡おみなへし Tōkyō Ōmiya Hachiman ominaeshi Wild Pinks at the Ōmiya Hachiman Shrine in Tokyo
#30 1866/7 広尾原桔梗 Tōkyō Hiroo hara kikyō Bellflowers at Hiroo Plain in Tokyo
#31 1866/7 亀戸川はぎ Tōkyō Kameido-gawa hagi Bush Clover at the Kameido River in Tokyo
#32 1866/7 染井きく Tōkyō Somei kiku Chrysanthemums at Somei in Tokyo
#33 1866/7 海案寺楓 Tōkyō Kaian-ji kaede Maple Leaves at Kaian-ji Temple in Tokyo
#34 1866/7 柳しま野菊 Tōkyō Yanagishima nogiku Wild Chrysanthemums at Yanagishima in Tokyo
#35 1866/7 押上水仙花 Tōto Oshiage suisenka Narcissus at Oshiage in the Eastern Capital
#36 1866/7 堀の内山茶花 Tōto Horinouchi sazanka Camellia at Horinouchi in the Eastern Capital


Thanks to (in alphabetical order) Peter Chiappa for help with insertion of the kanji titles, and transcribing the dates.

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© Copyright 2009 by J. Noel Chiappa

Last updated: 11/June/2009